Roots of Gambling

In various forms, gambling has its roots from the medieval times, in different ways. Different person of the society are engaged in this game in different ways. It's been in the society life like, betting; heavily drinking, general celebrations are being part of this gambling.

Cock fighting or bear baiting were traditional and most sporty games then in some sectors. But for the upper hierarchies, mainly it was, horse racing. In horse racing, ownership is mainly operated from the higher class as a private affair. Even assigning names to individual horses, is a status.

Lotteries are being initiated in 15th century. It was been very popular that time, but randomly illegal in most cases. In medieval age, dice throwing was become an important part of gambling. The Danes, Saxons or Romans, divided the game into basically two groups namely, checkers and dice throwing. But the eastern Europeans have introduced cards at around 13th Century which becomes really popular, time pass and good fun for all class people of the society.

Though the church or state all ways wants to diminish gambling's usage, but due to the growing popularity, it wasn't possible at that time. Even the Catholic Churches were thought of putting armed soldiers to remove the game. Around 1397, to some extent it was removed, but also criticized and the card playing was not till rectified. Then in 17th and 18th era, a plan was legislation, means to remove via different means like, putting taxes and fees, increasing rates of lottery tickets, so that a normal people won't afford it.

Gambling in surplus causes depression nervousness, muscular anxiety, headaches and tiredness. Many addicts even connect in criminal action to fund the convention.

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